

規模 木造平屋建て
施工 分離発注方式
竣工 2019年
撮影 建築工藝舎
設計   建築工藝舎
場所   沖縄県石垣市
敷地面積 185.78㎡
延床面積 76.19㎡
House in Arakawa

A modern Ryukyu house with an open-plan living room with high ceilings.
The space is accentuated by a built-in library and desk for the family who love to read.
Project Scale: One-storey wooden building
Construction Management: Kougei Architects
Completion: 2019
Photography: Kougei Architects
Architectural Design: Kougei Architects
Location: Ishigaki City, Okinawa, Japan
Site Area: 185.78㎡
Total Floor Area: 76.19㎡