


規模 木造2階建て
施工 分離発注方式
竣工 2021年
撮影 建築工藝舎
設計   建築工藝舎
場所   沖縄県石垣市
敷地面積 433.48㎡
延床面積  83.00㎡
Nagura Bayview House

The living and dining room and a large terrace are located on the second floor so that residents can enjoy the magnificent views of Nagura Bay and Ishigaki Island.
The Sakieda area of Ishigaki Island is sparsely populated, so residents can gaze at the stars shining overhead at night.
Project Scale: Two-storey wooden building
Construction Management: Kougei Architects
Completion: 2021
Photography: Kougei Architects
Architectural Design: Kougei Architects
Location: Ishigaki City, Okinawa, Japan
Site Area: 433.48㎡
Total Floor Area: 83.00㎡